About Us

ARVIVDEPO is a safe, reliable & flexible approach to managing your documents! Our General Principles and  Values Professionalism and integrity Responsibility Customer orientation Effective transparency and quality Integrity Team work ARHIVDEPO INTERNATIONAL , a member of the Spiru Haret University


Arhivdepo offers the documents’ creator the following Services/Products: ARCHIVING PROCESSING guaranteed by ARHIVDEPO, according to the National Archives Law No. 16/1996 and the norms in force (both at the headquarters of the beneficiary and at the ARHIVDEPO warehouse) involves activities


ARHIVDEPO INTERNATIONAL SRL is a company founded in 2014, having as main activity the provision of specific services in the field of Archiving (CAEN Code 9101), according to the National Archives Law No.16 / 1996, the Law No. 138/2013 and